Dance Warrior Studios

Release Your Inner WARRIOR

Discover a dance style that fits your personality and allows for self-expression.

“Are you ready to Release your inner WARRIOR?”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” is the foundational scripture that Dance Warrior Studios is founded upon.

Our Classes

There's no shortage of ways to introduce yourself to dance. There's a lot to explore, a lot to love, and a lot of unique ways to express yourself with the power of dance. Check out all of the different classes our instructors offer. It doesn't matter what your age, gender, or background is, you're welcome to dance here with us at Dance Warrior Studios!

Prophetic Dance Flags

Experience the joy of Praise Dance, where worship and storytelling come alive through movement.

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Experience the joy of Praise Dance, where worship and storytelling come alive through movement. At Dance Warrior Studios, dancers of all levels are welcomed into a supportive, faith-filled environment that celebrates modesty, kindness, and heartfelt expression.

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Christian Hip-Hop

Hip-hop dance blends powerful movement with cultural expression, rooted in African and Latin influences. At Dance Warrior Studios, students are inspired to honor its rich history while exploring their unique styles through group performances for both entertainment and competition.

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We Believe Dance Can Change Your Life

Want to get active? Start dancing. Want to get stronger in faith and change some things about the way you look? Dancing with Dance Warrior Studios will leave you feeling good and looking better than ever. Beyond the obvious physical benefits, you will grow personally, spiritually, and forever be part of an incredible community that communicates without even speaking. Unlock another measure of yourself and feel a part of something special.

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